The College, has designated the Administrative Assistant of the College as Public Information Officer and the Principal as the Appellate Authority under the Right to Information Act- 2005 so as to furnish information and to deal with appeal.
According to the provisions of RTI Act, 2005 the Government College of Law, Thiruvananthapuram has published its Citizens's Service Charter consisting of the structure, constitution, authorities, functionaries and functions of different officials of the college and institutions annexed with the college. The different service rendered by the college for the public, their prescriptions, conditions, procedure, period for providing such services their charges or fees etc. also mentioned as part of the charter. A grievances redressel mechanism has been deviced and incorporated within the charter. The details are available here.
Appellate Authority Public Information Officer
Principal Sri. Mohandas. R
Ph: 9446156309 Administrative Assistant
Email : Ph: 0471-2304228